How to use the template


  1. Every day, add a new item to the database (the one below). You can use the “All” or “calendar” views to do so.
  2. The Name & Date should be filled automatically
  3. Check the boxes of the habits you completed
  4. Assign the current month


All you have to do here is to assign the current year & to set monthly goals filling out the “Habit goals” properties. That’s it!


There’s nothing to do here, everything is done automatically.

Update the template

Add a habit

To add a habit, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new checkbox property in the database. Call it by the name of your habit.
  2. Update the daily completion formula
    1. Add “+ toNumber(prop("[Name of your habit]"))” in the first part of the formula
    2. Update the divider (if it was 4, update it to 5)
  3. In the database, add the following properties
    1. A rollup called “Habit count”: Relation → Habits; Property → Select the one you just created; Calculate → Checked
    2. A number called “Habit goal”
    3. A formula called “Habit”: toNumber(slice(format(prop("Habit count") / prop("Habit goal") * 100), 0, 5)) / 100
    4. A text called “Label: Habit”
  4. Update the Untitled template in the database: write the name of your habit in the “Label: habit” field
  5. Go to the properties section of the database and show the “Label: habit” & “Habit” properties (in that order)
  6. In the database, add the following properties
    1. A rollup called “Habit”: Relation → Months; Property → Habit; Calculate → Average
    2. A text called “Label: Habit”